The Rise of Nation Starts With the Power of Protein Autonomy
Berikan Protein Initiative is a dynamic social enterprise committed to revolutionizing sustainable food systems through innovative fisheries-driven solutions to tackle multidimensional malnutrition in Indonesia.
or see our innovations here

“BERIKAN” originally means “GIVING” in Indonesian but it also holds the word “IKAN” which means “FISH”, reflecting both generosity and the power of sustainable fisheries.
Who We Are ›
The first initiator of multidimensional malnutrition alleviation based on end-to-end solutions through fish protein biotechnology innovation, founded on April 6, 2021.
What We Stand For ›
By providing access to affordable protein sources, we want to create a world where every kids has the opportunity to thrive and where no child is left behind in the shadows of what might have been.
Why Fish Protein ›
Fish is the best quality (amino acid & omega-3) and most abundant protein source that drives food security and empowers coastal communities.
How To Help ›
From calculate your daily protein intake adequacy, you can take a role to increase national protein and nutrition consumption to 100 grams/capita/day.

Boosting Nutrition and Protein Intake for All Age
Everyone deserves the chance for quality nutrition through enhanced nutritional literacy, regular assessments, and improved eating habits (behavioural change)
Elevating Local Food Heritage with Fish Protein Fortification
Enhancing MSMEs with high-quality nutritious food products through the combination of fish protein fortification, local food ingredients,
innovative product and marketing development

Building a Sustainable Food System Through Fisheries Technology
Transforming fish processing by upcycling low-value fish into valuable ingredients like fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) for functional food, reducing marine waste and boosting local economies through job creation and resource optimization
Media Exposure
Berikanpreneur 2021: Peluang Kewirausahaan Sektor Perikanan Masih Terbuka Luas
JAKARTA, KOMPAS — Founder Berikan Protein Initiative, Yogie Arry, mengemukakan, Indonesia masih menghadapi masalah malnutrisi yang berdampak pada penurunan produktivitas manusia. Sejumlah satu dari tiga anak Indonesia mengidap tengkes, serta 10,2 persen anak balita tergolong kurus dan sangat kurus. Sementar ...
Partner Collaborator
Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur
Universitas Andalas - JENIS KERJASAMA Mitra Ko ...
SDIT Nur Hidayah Solo
JSIT NTB Merupakan Jaringan Sekolah Islam Terpadu yang berlokasi di NTB. JENIS KER ...
SDIT Nur Hidayah Solo
SMAIT Nur Hidayah Solo SMAIT Nur Hidayah merupakan lembaga pendidikan menegah atas ...
Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur
Universitas Andalas - JENIS KERJASAMA Mitra Ko ...